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From Izmir to California

"It is a brave thing to have courage to be an individual; it is also, perhaps, a lonely thing. But it is better than not being an individual, which is to be nobody at all."

Eleanor Roosevelt

"So when society abuse and scapegoat the strong ones, it is not just a cliche. I am not simply blowing smoke to make us feel better. It is a process that has been happening since the beginning of civilization. If an oppressor and/or a jealous person (aka hater) sees someone with a quality trait, they must take them down before they rise up. That quality could be charismatic, spiritual, physical, anything. The oppressor must convince that strong person they will not tolerate their success. They must convince rest of the society and that person of their worthlessness. And if that doesn't work, they must do everything they can within their power to destroy their credibility with others in an effort to kill one's joy, dreams and free spirits."

Oludeniz Nature Park
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